Paying-it-Forward Christmas Style :)

If you arrived here via my homepage, you may be wondering about the red and green Company for Christmas badge in the sidebar:

Company for Christmas: support for the alone and isolated on Christmas Day

On December 25, the Company for Christmas blog goes “live” for anyone alone and looking for a little holiday cheer.  Let’s face it: not everyone has a huge family dinner to attend, or hoards of people dropping by with gifts the way TV commercials might have us believe! The stark reality is this: many people spend the day in isolation, not depressed exactly, but reluctant to reach out to friends they perceive as busy and happy with their own relatives and lives. No one likes to intrude, so this is where C4C comes in! 🙂

If you’d like someone to talk to, or if you’re a good listener, please swing by the Company for Christmas blog. The chat room will be open throughout Christmas Day, and the conversation is bound to be lively and interesting!  Best of all, it requires no money AND you may find a new blog or two to follow.  Win-win!

To read more about this first-time-ever online effort click here.

Pay it forward ➡ Get involved ➡ Download the C4C badge!

In keeping with the spirit of the season,  I’ll close with a picture I took last week at the Gifford Community and Student Garden.

slash pine seedling 12/11/12

For the first few years of life, Slash Pine (aka Pinus Elliotti) seedlings have a grass-like appearance. During this stage they develop extensive root systems and collars and grow rapidly. This one was approximately 18″ tall..

Until next time…..
