Wordless Wednesday: January 9, 2013

Images from the vacant lot next door; this is where I’m (hopefully!) herding my moles!

syagrus romanzoffianum; 1/9/13

If you look closely, you’ll see the roofline of my house behind this Syagrus Romanzoffianum.

There are some beautiful abandoned pink hibiscus here too:

Pink Hibiscus, 1/9/13

That’s my fence on the lefthand side. Too bad the property doesn’t extend an extra foot or two! I often walk around for a closer look:

Pink Hibiscus, 1/9/13

Until next time…..

13 thoughts on “Wordless Wednesday: January 9, 2013

  1. love the hibiscus, such a beautiful colour…the national flower of my homeland is a red hibiscus by the way, they grow in abundance there. apparently there are white ones too, and orange…they are all lovely!

  2. Lovely! Mole-herding? I think I’ve missed a post or two! I’m having a terrible time trying to navigate the new format here on wordpress. I’ll have to spend some time with it. Thanks for these lovely images!

    • You’re welcome, Cindy!
      If you click the hyperlink in the first sentence it will bring you to the mole herding post! 🙂
      What’s is up with this new WP stuff….some of the normal functions aren’t working at all?!? I had a helluva time making hyperlinks for this post and the one on 1/8. 😦 The little chainlink thingy was greyed out so I had to use keyboard shortcuts instead…then I noticed the Reader is different: I have yet to figure out if you can access your dashboard from it. First world problems, I know, but irritating nonetheless!

  3. Ugh, trying to find my dashboard this morning was a pain in the behind! And they’ve changed Freshly Pressed again to flow like the reader. To get to the dashboard, you have to click on the “My Blogs” tab and then find “Blog Admin” in small type below the number of posts. No like!

  4. Hmm…vacant lot? Close to the beach…tropical foliage…seems like my next place to be. It’s free to dream right? Beautiful images that makes my day feel better. it’s been raining in Houston for 2 weeks. Have a great weekend.

  5. Pingback: Wordless Wednesday: 3/26/14 (Sunny Reflections) | small house/BIG GARDEN

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