Share Your World, Week 24….and a few cactus facts!

I’ve fallen behind with my Share Your World postings; rather than play catch-up, I’ve opted to jump back in with this week’s questions. 🙂

Are you left or right handed?

I always say I’m right dominant because that’s my “writing” hand, yet many things I do primarily left-handed. I do everything on my smart-phone with my left hand, exclusively. I stir pots and use cooking and baking utensils with my left, and only use my left hand when applying eye-makeup…wierd…yeah?  I remember reading that handedness is a genetic trait…If that’s true, I may have passed it to my sons, both of whom write “lefty!”

What is one thing you love about being an adult?

Making all my own rules, and conversely, throwing them out the window at will!  These things are huge to me. I hate feeling stifled, or like I “should” do this or “should not” do that! I’m well aware this makes me sound like a spoiled brat. 😉 Next question!

What do you need to unlearn?

Are you ready for this?  The ridiculously embarrassing way I count hours.  For instance: when I worked shifts at Staples we’d have to arrive at 8am. If I left the store at 3pm and you asked how many hours I worked, I couldn’t tell you without first doing this: 8 to 9, 1hr…9 to 10, 2hrs..10 to 11, 3hrs…11 to 12, 4hrs…and on and on until I got to the hour I clocked out! This is no joke….i DO this!  Thankfully, I didn’t work 12hr shifts too often!! I’d still be there “counting!”  LOL!!

What is success for you?

When I was young and looking toward my future, I only ever really wanted to be a mother.  I didn’t have professional/career goals beyond that.  If you’ve read my blog at all, you know I have 3 kids who have grown into lovely young adults who are also “fine citizens.” Success, for me is knowing they’re on paths that are right for them individually, and I take credit for allowing them to ALWAYS be themselves, especially on days I wished they were making different choices.  I think that was my biggest success as a parent…I had excellent instincts about when to get out of the way.

I totally enjoy answering Cee’s questions, but love reading everyone else’s replies more. Click the link, and consider participating, too. 🙂

Before I close,  I have to share a few facts I learned today, quite accidentally!

I was working in my gardens around 3pm and noticed one of my cacti had bloomed:

Mammillaria Sheldonii in bloom

We’re in rainy season now, so thunderstorms blow in most afternoons like clockwork, and today was no exception. 🙄  Although short-lived, the winds blow strong and the rain hits hard: I assumed when I went back outside, the cactus blooms would be shredded on the ground.

Mammillaria Sheldonii with buds

I was wrong!!

It seems that Mammillaria Sheldonii cacti flowers “self-protect” by closing during inclement weather. I had no idea!

I also learned something else by visiting the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum website: the mammillaria buds in my pictures were actually produced LAST summer. They stay dormant until the first big summer rain occurs, causing them to burst into bloom 5 days later!  Dang if that isn’t EXACTLY what happened ➡ the rainy season began here last week!   Fascinating!

Until next time…….

8 thoughts on “Share Your World, Week 24….and a few cactus facts!

  1. I like your ‘share your world’ answers. You have many of the same world views as me. I do enjoy making and breaking my own rules. lol
    Your cactus is a beauty. That’s really neat about it’s blooms being born last year and waiting til now to bloom. Mother Nature is so awesome.

  2. Pingback: Share Your World: Week 30 | small house/BIG GARDEN

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