Weekly Photo Challenge: Minimalist

This week’s challenge asks us to share a “minimalist” image, one with “a large portion of negative space, a fairly monochromatic color palette with good contrast, and an interesting subject that is able to stand on its own to capture the interest of the viewer.”

That’s a tall order!

Here are two shots from last February and (hopefully!) they hit the mark.

minimalist at the beach

After a few minutes, the ladies above joined their friend in the water:


Photography is a funny thing: I was aiming for Maggie on her paddleboard (teeny-tiny figure back/center of first photo; nearly off frame in the second) but the three women became the focal point instead!

Sometimes the subject you shoot isn’t the subject you get, but I think it worked out perfectly for this challenge!

Until next time…

🙂 🙂 🙂

29 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Minimalist

  1. “Worked out perfectly for this challenge” – indeed – I thought that was what mine did too, also just serendipity. Thanks for the pingback, but I do not understand pingbacks – did you actually look at all the posts listed and therefore pinged, or did they come up somehow “related” so you added them in? Not a criticism – just plain old curiosity about how we all do the things we do – let me know. thanks, Elspeth

  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Minimalist | The Panama Adventure
  3. Pingback: Photo Challenge: Little Bear Fire | tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice
  4. Pingback: Photo Challenge: Little Bear Fire | tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice
  5. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Minimalist | Missionary IOU 差情尋

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