Wordless Wednesday: November 28, 2012

A while back, I ordered a winter-blooming grab bag from the conservatory collection at Glasshouseworks.com.  Among the plants I received, was this lovely Alternanthera Dentata Purple Knight, commonly known as Calico Plant or Joyweed.  I’ve never grown this zone 10 perennial before and was unsure how winter might affect it; I’m keeping it in a container for now, but despite cooler than normal nights, it seems to be flourishing!

alternanthera dentata purple knight 11/27/12

As you can see, the flowerbuds are progressing nicely. 🙂

Alternantha Dentata Purple Knight, 11/28/12

If you’d like to learn more about “Purple Knight,” I highly recommend a VERY humorous post called Practical Joker. 😉

For more Wordless Wednesday photos, click on the Zemanta links that follow!

Until next time…..

🙂 🙂 🙂

Share Your World: Week 30

I really like this week’s Share Your World questions; they’re interesting but also fun!  I’ll dig right in. 🙂

You are invited to a party that will be attended by many fascinating people you never met.  Would you attend this party if you were to go by yourself

Absolutely! I never mind doing things by myself–in fact, most of the time I enjoy everything more when I do it alone. Before you go thinking “this one needs a good therapist,” let me explain: I’m soooooo far from antisocial!  Antisocial would = NOT going to “a party of fascinating people” whether by oneself OR with others, yeah?

As the years have progressed, I’ve come to understand my preference for “aloneness.” It has nothing to do with being afraid to trust people and everything to do with how I process events and situations. Were I at this fictional party, I’d be off to the side, watching others interact, and zeroing in on who I’d like to talk to and when. I’d spend time working the room (in my head,) and then I’d be off working my plan.  Summing up, I go it alone (alot!) for reasons of personal freedom..one of the things I like most about being an adult!

If you were the original designer of one existing corporate logo, which one would you select?

I really like this one, used the past few years for an Austin TX Christmas Bazaar.

Armadillo Christmas Bazaar Logo

Isn’t this ingenious?

If you could be a student of any university in the world right now, where would you enroll? 

Oxford!  but not because it’s a prestigious, world-class institution of higher learning! Nay, nay!!!  My reasons are completely shallow: Inspector Lewis (one of my FAVE Brit T.V. dramas) is filmed in and around Oxford ➡ I’d love to see the cast and crew on location and row over to Kew Pier as they did in the most recent episode!  In case you’re wondering, “hmmm…would she do THIS alone too?!”  LOL!! Yes, right up ’til I rented the rowboat, at which time I’d change my tune, turn on the charm, and try to talk (bribe?) an able-bodied man into handling the oars. Upon arrival at the Botanical Gardens,  I’d bid him farewell…unless he bore a resemblance to this guy:

…in which case, I’d allow him to hang around. 😉

Ok, last question and good thing, too! I’m getting downright juvenile!

If you had to spend one weekend alone in a single public building or institution, which building would you choose?

Hold on to your hats…or sit down…or do whatever it is you do in preparation of crazy news:

Without question, I’d hop a Janet flight to Area 51!   You all know I’m a huge UFO nut, and I really want proof that Extra Terrestrials exist!  Area 51 is so off-limits and secretive, I feel like something MAJOR must be hidden there.  I keep listening to Coast to Coast (and hoping for some sort of government disclosure) but 48hrs in a secret military base ❓ That would be VERY interesting indeed!

Area 51

Area 51 (Photo credit: OakleyOriginals)

Well, that’s it from me,  but there are many other Week 30 responses and interesting Zemanta links below to keep you reading!

Until next time 🙂 🙂

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