Crinum Lilies, Hibiscus, and Invasive Pest Awareness Month!

Crinum lilies are tough, low maintenance plants that bloom prolifically on lengthy, succulent stalks. In Zones 9 and up, they typically flower from early spring through midsummer and sporadically during the rest of the year. I noticed the cluster below on Easter Sunday while we were Brunching (yet again ❗ it’s the BEST!) at Disney Vero Beach Resort.  Even when their flowers have withered, Crinums create an architectural focal point in the landscape.


While exploring the Disney Resort’s grounds, I ran across a group of signs I’d missed on previous occasions.  Clever advertising, yeah?

Disney Vero Beach Resort, 3/31/13

 Following the sign towards the beach, I passed this pretty hibiscus lined road:


Here’s a close-up view of a fully opened flower:

Hibiscus, Disney Vero Beach Resort, 3/31/13

As you can see from the foliage and blooms, this is a very healthy specimen: not all hibiscus have been this lucky

In June, 1992, an invasive insect known as Pink Hibiscus Mealybug was discovered in Broward County, Florida and has continued spreading upwards throughout the state.

The Pink Hibiscus Mealybug (PHM) sucks juices from its host plant, injecting toxic saliva as it feeds. This process leads to the malformation of leaves and fruit, as well as stunted leaves and terminal (tip) growth, which is commonly called “bunchy top.”  PHM affects species beyond ornamentals.  The list is staggering:  citrus, avocado, fig, guava, mango, and sugarcane; vegetable crops including asparagus, beans, beets, cabbage, peanuts, pigeon pea, cucumber, lettuce, pepper, pumpkin, and tomato.  Even forest trees are at risk of harboring this hungry pest!

With this in mind, the USDA has declared April, Invasive Plant Pest and Disease Awareness Month. Invasive pests and diseases are non-native species that cause – or are likely to cause – harm to the economy, the environment or human health. The USDA stresses that the more people know about hungry pests, the more they can do to stop them.


  Go to to learn more, and get involved on Facebook at

Until next time….

🙂 🙂 🙂

16 thoughts on “Crinum Lilies, Hibiscus, and Invasive Pest Awareness Month!

    • You are so very welcome Ajay! I swear by using the Zemanta links! Without them I might never have discovered your blog!
      Also, let me thank YOU for subscribing here and taking time to leave comments on my previous posts. I appreciate it very, very much.

      • thank you very much Karen, your blog and your pics were both superb, I really loved them both

        you dedicated your life to a beautiful cause that is according to exceptional

        thank you so much

  1. I love Disney World….special times. My dad has a huge hibiscus plant in his garden in Illinois. I can’t believe how big the blossoms get.

  2. This was a nostalgic post for me. My grandparents and aunt lived in Vista, CA, and every few years we’d take Amtrack to visit them at Christmas. Oh, but the bright colors of amaryllis and hibiscus in bloom, and they even had orange and grapefruit growing in their back yard. For a Kansas girl, this was like walking into a make-believe world!

    • I’ve ALWAYS wanted to take Amtrak cross country….flying is so boring, but there’d be interest and variety watching the USA glide by from the window of a train….or at least that’s how I imagine it. 🙂
      Your description of your grandparents’ property sounds beautiful…CA has that wonderful Mediterranean climate so perfect for fruit trees. When my ex was joining his first practice we spent a week in and around Riverside (CA) that coincided with orange blossom time…..the air was SO redolent and soft it was pretty remarkable!

  3. Pingback: Weeping Hibiscus, Red Crinum Lilies and other tropicals | small house/BIG GARDEN
  4. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Horizon | small house/BIG GARDEN

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