Weekly Photo Challenge: Horizon

Living near the ocean as I do, my cell-cam is full of shots featuring birds and beach-goers against horizons of surf and sand.  I swiped through the lot of them for this week’s challenge and decided most were repetitive, boring and–for lack of a better word–flat.  Not so, this one: I love everything about these old friends gazing at the horizon.

Old Friends in Hats, Jaycee Beach, 10/20/13

 (Note: For better visual impact, click on the photos to enlarge them! pumpkin-joyfull try it! )

I’m partial to these next images because they draw the eye to a midpoint on the horizon. First you notice the queen palm, and then the sliver of beach where sky meets land at Disney’s Vero Beach Resort.

Queen Palm and the horizon, Disney Vero Beach Resort, 4/6/13

A beautiful sky over the road to Key West: adventure pulls us toward the horizon.pumpkin winking

Key West on the horizon, 8/9/13

X marks the spot in the horizon over Jaycee Beach.pumpkin no comment

X marks the spot on the Jaycee Beach horizon 4/27/13

To see other bloggers’ interpretations of this week’s challenge, check out the Zemanta related links below!

Until next time…
Hay Ride

17 thoughts on “Weekly Photo Challenge: Horizon

  1. Great photos, Karen! I just finished reading “Wild”, about a young woman’s adventures walking the Pacific Crest Trail. She spoke often about the sense of space, looking down on the treetops. I’ve lived in the woods so long, my idea of “horizon” is of the treeline in the distance…but when I go to town, then I have the long water view, too. You’ve made the idea very intriguing, thanks!

    • Thank you!
      I’ve been an urban dweller my whole life so think living among the trees as you do is fascinating! When I was a kid, we spent some weekends/vacation time at my uncle’s converted hunting camp in N.H. I remember how cool and shady it was and how CLEAN the lake looked..seriously it was so clear you could see the bottom. I imagine your surroundings are similar?

  2. I could sit on the beach for the first photo for you! And I remember driving to Key West way back in the early 80s – thank you for the memory reminder 🙂 Great shots for the them x

  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Horizon | Processing the life
  4. I am already in an island dream trance with the first picture. Beautiful. We just went fishing near the beach Sunday. Summer can be forever in our heart, right? Have a great day.

    • hello friend!
      Sorry for the late reply…I somehow missed this comment…..yes, summer does live in our hearts throughout the year….this was esp true when I lived in Massachusetts: so many fun memories were made in the too short summers there, and their warmth carried me through many a looonnnggg cold winter!

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